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  • Understanding Steering And Wheel Alignment Angles

Understanding Steering And Wheel Alignment Angles

Steering angles affecting a vehicle's alignment

    Steering angles affecting a vehicle's alignment
    Steering Axis Inclination (SAI)
    Included Angle
    Thrust Angle
    Toe-In and Toe-Out
    Other factors related to tracking, stability and tyre life
    Set Back
    Toe-Out on Turns
    Bump Steer
    Scrub Radius and Wheel Offset
    1. Caster
    Caster is the angle formed by a line through the pivot points and a vertical line through the stub axle. It can be negative or positive.
    Caster assists in the self-centering action of the steering
    Caster is not a tyre wearing angle
    Excessive variation side to side means the vehicle will pull to the side of least positive caster
    Reducing caster trail prevents low-speed shimmy
    Increased caster improves vehicle stability and steering ‘feel’
    Caster Trail Correction for High-Caster Angles
    Caster Trail Correction for High-Caster Angles
    2. Camber
    Positive camber means the tyre and wheel assembly leans outwards at the top and negative camber means it leans inwards at the top.
    Camber is a tyre wearing angle
    Camber can be negative or positive
    Negative camber provides a full footprint when cornering
    Camber settings can be a compromise between good handling and tyre wear
    Excessive positive camber wears outside of tyre tread and stresses the inner wheel bearing
    Excessive negative camber wears inside of tyre tread and stresses the outer wheel bearing
    Excessive variations will cause the car to pull to the side with the most positive camber
    Góc Camber âm và dương
                                                                        - Negative  Neutral  +  Positive
    Affects of Camber
    Too much positive wears outside of tyre tread
    Too much negative wears inside of tyre tread
    Excessive variation side to side will pull to the side with the most positive camber
    Excessive negative camber stresses outer wheel bearing
    Excessive positive camber stresses inner wheel bearing
    Camber Angles are affected by the following:
    Changes to vehicle ride height
    Uneven loading of vehicle
    Body roll during cornering
    Road camber
    Condition of the suspension
    Ride height of each spring
    Caster angle
    When you change your camber angle, wheel alignment should be checked and adjusted accordingly.
    3. Steering Axis Inclination (SAI)
    Steering Axis Inclination, or SAI, is the angle formed between pivot points and vertical line through center of wheel.
       Độ nghiêng trục lái
    SAI is not adjustable
    SAI is a diagnostic angle
    SAI assists steering returnability
    4. Included Angle
    The Included Angle is a diagnostic angle that's obtained by:
    Adding positive camber to SAI
    Subtracting negative camber from SAI
    Bao gồm góc
    5. Thrust Angle
    The Thrust Angle must be on the centreline of the vehicle, from where the Thrust Angle must be measured. Rear Toe adjustments will correct the Thrust Angle.
    Góc đẩy
    Thrust Angle must be on the centreline:
    Thrust Angle
    Rear Toe adjustments will correct the Thrust Angle.
    6. Toe-In and Toe-Out
    When a pair of wheels is set so their leading edges are pointed slightly towards each other, this is referred to as toe-in. If the leading edges point away from each other, then it’s toe-out.
    Toe settings affect three major areas of performance: tyre wear, straight-line stability and corner entry handling characteristics
    For minimum tyre wear and power loss, the wheels on a given axle of a car should point directly ahead when it is travelling in a straight line
    Excessive toe-in or toe-out causes the tyres to scrub, since they are always turned relative to the direction of travel
    Too much toe-in causes accelerated wear at the outside edges of the tyres, while too much toe-out causes wear on the inside edges
    Various Toe Settings:
    Nhiều thiết lập ngón chân khác nhau
    7. Set Back
    Set Back is the name given to the variation in the wheel base of a vehicle. It can be measured by modern wheel alignment machines and can be altered by caster adjustment. Excessive Set Back can cause the vehicle to "Run Off".
    Đặt lại góc
    8. Toe-Out On Turns
    The Ackerman Angle provides the correct toe-out on turns:
    Góc Ackerman
    The line is drawn through:
    Centre of the footprint
    Tie Road attaching point on steering arm
    Meet in centre of line drawn through rear axle
    Angle of turn of front wheels will be correct
    Ackerman Effect In Corners
    Inside wheel in turn requires greater angle of turn
    Outside wheel requires less turning angle
    Lines projected will meet at intersection point outside vehicle
    Hiệu ứng Ackerman ở các góc
    Effect On Ackerman Angle When Wheel Base Increased Or Extra Axle Added
    Line now drawn midway between rear axles
    Intersection points changed
    Front turn angle not correct
    Tyres will scrub and squeal
    Tác động lên góc Ackerman khi chiều dài cơ sở tăng hoặc thêm trục phụ
    9. Bump Steer
    Bump Steer is the variation in toe that occurs as the front suspension moves up and down without body roll and is caused by:
    Incorrect Steering Linkage Design Or Tie Rod Location
    Bent Steering Linkage
    Toe Adjusted Without Centralising Steering Gear
    Soft Suspension Bushes and Worn Components
    Misalignment of Rack or Steering Linkage in Frame
    10. Scrub Radius and Wheel-Offset
    Positive Scrub Radius
    Bán kính cọ rửa dương
    Positive Scrub Radius Lines Meet Below Road Surface
    Usually Rear Wheel Drive With Front Wheel Toe In
    SAI Usually Less Than 10 Degrees
    Negative Scrub Radius
    Bán kính cọ rửa âm
    Negative Scrub Radius Lines Meet Above Road Surface
    Used On Front Wheel Drive With Front Wheel Toe Out Or Zero Toe
    SAI Usually Greater Than 10 Degrees