Price: Call
Headlight 4 associate to a single headlight tester a specific activation code: for every device intended to be connected to the software, the Dealer/user will have to communicate to TECNOLUX the following data::
‐ Type and Serial Number of the Headlight Tester.
These will be displayed once the device is connected to the software (or could be found on the CE Label of the headlight tester as well as in the INFO menu of the device)

The functions of the HEADLIGHT 4 ar mainly divided in:
1. Free/Official Test: Software allows to operate the headlight tester acquiring in real‐
time the analysis data from a pre‐set source. As alternative, the test could be carried
out independently and the results will be stored on the PC/Tablet/Smartphone
2. Register of the tests carried out on vehicles , with possibility to update the reports
3. Test storing: Every test is stored with all the information pre‐settled (result, technical
data, vehicle/owner data) in a spefici database, easy to browse thanks to the menu
4. Data export as an archive: Headlight 4 allows import/export of .CSV files containing
the test data memorized, as well as the pre‐set parameters used for the test, all the
vehicles present in the register, registered owners/clients and the data of the
Headlight Tester used for the test
5. Report creation: reports can be created for every test at the end of the activity, from
registry menu or from archive