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Lê Thị Thanh Hương
TRIGON 4 Vision Platinum, the new passive target wheel
aligner technology with 8 high resolution digital
cameras for maximum measurement precision. The automation
of the wheel alignment operations and the extreme reliability of
the components greatly enhance productivity.
A PC with Windows 10 IoT, TRIGON PRO Software and
complete multibrand vehicle specs are all provided standard. With
these features, TRIGON 4 Vision Platinum has become an industry
reference as well as a safe investment for wheel alignment
1. 8 TELECAMERE DIGITALI ad elevata risoluzione. Massima accuratezza e stabilità della misura.
8 high resolution DIGITAL CAMERAS. Maximum measurement accuracy and stability.
Small bay. Dimensioni contenute e la tecnologia delle telecamere si adatta ad installazioni in piccoli ambienti e ad installazioni con
ponti a 4 colonne (vedere informazioni sul layout).
Small bay. Due to the compact size and the camera technology, it is suitable for installations in small areas and installations with 4
post lifts (see information on the layout).
2. ROTAZIONE AUTOMATICA TELECAMERE. Le telecamere sempre correttamente posizionate. Massima facilità e rapidità di
AUTOMATIC CAMERA ROTATION. The cameras are always correctly positioned. Maximises ease of use and work speed.
Costruiti con materiali ad elevata resistenza. Filtro solare aggiuntivo. Adatti per condizioni ambientali difficili. Non occorre calibrarli.
Built with highly resistant materials. Additional sun-filter. Sui-table for difficult working conditions. Does not require calibration. 
Professional wheel alignment programme that includes all functions required by wheel aligning professionals. Customisable procedure, adjustment help animations, Rolling RunOut compensation. Always updated and full vehicle specs.

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